Discuss Dantes’ attitude towards the ​responsibility of man to​ ​accomplish God’s purpose​. How does Dantes use this to justify his actions?

*The essay has to be written based on the book of The Count of Monte Cristo and it has to a book that was written by Alexandre Dumas and that has been translated and abridged by Lowell Bair.

The Count of Monte Cristo​ ​Essay
This is a ​6 paragraph​ essay with a ​four point thesis
In a formal essay, discuss ​one​ of the following topics:
1. Byronic Hero: ​Support or refute the argument for the Count of Monte Cristo as a ​Byronic Hero ​(with a capital B and a capital H). Be certain to use examples (including ​at least one quote from the text per point​) to support your contention. Make sure that you explain what a Byronic Hero is and give examples of how the Count is or is not a good example of one.
2. Justice: ​Consider the enemies of Edmond Dantes and discuss how the punishment that the Count of Monte Cristo inflicts upon them is ​related to their deepest ambitions​ and to ​the crime​ each character commits against Dantes. Does the ​punishment fit the crime​? ​Is Justice served​? Do not simply summarize or list the events, but ​analyze​ them. Show your understanding of the story by explaining in detail the crime and punishment of those affiliated with Dantes, and then express whether or not the punishment fits the crime. ​Is Justice served?​ ​Do not give a plot summary​ – only give the details that directly pertain to either the crime or the punishment. Then, ​make a judgment​ on whether or not the punishment is fair. Make sure to use ​at least one quote from the text per point​ to support your ideas.
3. Themes and Motifs: ​Explore how Dumas uses the central characters and the main plot or subplots in ​The Count of Monte Cristo​ to develop the​ themes and motifs ​within the novel. Make sure to use examples from the text, including ​at least one quote from the text per point​.
4. Providence: ​Discuss Dantes’ attitude towards the ​responsibility of man to​ ​accomplish God’s purpose​. How does Dantes use this to justify his actions? Do you agree with his perspective (without using 1s​ t​ person – simply state it as fact)? Why or why not? Use examples from the text, including ​at least one quote from the text per point​, to support your argument.
5. Pseudonyms: ​What are the ​pseudonyms​ adopted in this story, and ​why​ is each specifically chosen? ​Why​ is each disguise created? What is the purpose and role played by each of these characters? Explain the significance of each disguise in the larger scope of the novel, exploring whether or not each pseudonym is effective or necessary. Do not simply summarize the events in the novel, but ​analyze​ them. Only give the details that are necessary to make your point (​at least one quote from the text per point​).
Remember the format:
Last name and page number at the top right of each page
Proper heading (top left, double spaced – name, teacher’s name, course & class period, due date) Creative​ title centered
1 inch margins
Double spaced (but not between paragraphs)
12 point, Times New Roman font
Six very full paragraphs
Four point thesis​ at the end of the Intro
At least ​four quotes​—at least one for each point
No quotes longer than 3 typed lines
Quotes cited according to the MLA format [For example: (Dumas 22).]
A Works Cited List (if you use sources other than the text)
Italicize the novel’s title ​The Count of Monte Cristo
No contractions
Literary Present (use present tense when referring to characters or events in the novel)
Watch out for redundancy
Watch your subject-verb or verb-adverb agreement
No “in conclusion” or other formulaic bores and clichés

Discuss Dantes’ attitude towards the ​responsibility of man to​ ​accomplish God’s purpose​. How does Dantes use this to justify his actions?
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