Critically discuss UK contemporary policy and practices regarding SEN and disability within a historical and international context.

Module learning outcomes to be attained:

1. Critically discuss UK contemporary policy and practices regarding SEN and disability within a historical and international context.

2. Analyse how values inform perspectives regarding segregation, integration and inclusion.

3. Précis the variety, complexity and ambiguities inherent in SEN and disability practice.

4. Articulate a defensible personal perspective regarding future inclusion policy and practice.
Assignment title

‘It is better for all children to be educated together in mainstream schools.’ Discuss.

Assignment description

In this assignment, you will bring together what you have learned throughout semester 1 and, indeed, in other modules and other years, in order to discuss the arguments on the debate relating to mainstreaming, segregation, integration, and inclusion in education. You will focus primarily on the education system in England, but you may also bring in international examples of approaches to children with SEN and disabilities.

You may also wish to discuss issues relating to other aspects of children’s backgrounds that influence their experience of schooling, such as race, ethnicity, religion and class, as well as and social, emotional and mental health issues. This essay has a deliberately wide scope, in order to allow you to focus on those aspects of inclusion that most interest and are most relevant to you and your experiences within education and on placement or in work.

In line with the module learning outcomes, you will be expected to discuss how policy and practice relating to mainstreaming, segregation and inclusion has developed within the UK and analyse the various approaches taken.

You will discuss how the ways in which society labels and understands what is a ‘normal’ child influences what happens in schools and classrooms. You will be expected to show your understanding of not only key policies and practices, but also historical and theoretical literature, in order to support your analysis and arguments.

You will also be expected to show how such policies and practices influence not only children, but also teaching staff, support staff, parents and others. You will then be able to provide some reasoned conclusions, supported by literature, that indicate your views on the debate.

You are strongly encouraged to use the PowerPoints, lecture notes and suggested references and preparation reading as a starting point for your essay, bringing in the many different facets of the debate through a range of literature, in order to develop you own views and write an academically coherent, sound and engaging report.

Critically discuss UK contemporary policy and practices regarding SEN and disability within a historical and international context.
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