Day: July 24, 2021

Explain the difference between comparative negligence and contributory negligence.

The most common tort claim is based on the negligence of the defendant. In each negligence claim, the plaintiff must establish by a preponderance of the evidence that (1) the defendant had a duty of due care, (2) the defendant breached that duty, (3) that the breach of duty both actually and approximately has caused […]

Name two kinds of intentional torts that could result in damage to a business firm’s bottom line.

There are many kinds of intentional torts. Some of them involve harm to the physical person or to his or her property, reputation or feelings, or economic interests. In each case of intentional tort, the plaintiff must show that the defendant intended harm, but the intent to harm does not need to be directed at […]

Distinguish different philosophies of law—schools of legal thought—and explain their relevance.

1. Distinguish different philosophies of law—schools of legal thought—and explain their relevance. 2. Identify the various aims that a functioning legal system can serve. 3. Explain how politics and law are related. 4. Identify the sources of law and which laws have priority over other laws. 5. Understand some basic differences between the US legal […]

Determine the average growth rates for each crime category and compare them across cities.

Two weeks after you have taken on a job as an analyst for the City of Miami, the Mayor’s office comes to you with the following problem. There has been a discussion about whether the city should support the crime prevention program “Learning from LA,” targeting assaults and theft crimes. The program would involve the […]

List and explain the steps polling companies take when conducting a poll. How do you know if the poll is accurate? How do they conduct the poll?

Before you begin reading, go through the questions below. Identify what you should be looking for while you’re reading so you can highlight and take note of the parts of the reading that will help you answer the questions below. After reading the chapter and reviewing the PowerPoint and supplemental readings and/or videos on canvas, […]

Political theorists argue that American government can be classified as elitist or pluralist. Explain the differences between the two theories and defend which theory you align with and why.

After reading the chapter and reviewing the PowerPoint and supplemental readings and/or videos on canvas, complete the questions below. Your responses should: be at least one paragraph, 5-7 sentences, per question set (meaning numbers 1,2,3, etc should be about one paragraph in length each) demonstrate a clear engagement and understanding of the course material, critical […]

Examine the strengths and weaknesses of a team in various situations.

Course description: This course addresses team dynamics of organizations in an increasingly  complex work environment. Group behavior, team building, and decision making are examined. Theories and issues of leadership as well as the implications of power, politics, and conflict in the workplace are discussed. There is an emphasis on the development of a better understanding […]

Create a set of principles that, if followed, would encourage these groups to interact in a cooperative manner. Include these principles in your infographic.

Overview of the entire assignment: Create an infographic that outlines the commonalities and distinctions between the following generations: GI Generation Mature/Silents Baby Boomers Generation X Generation Y/Millennials Generation Z/Boomlets Create a set of principles that, if followed, would encourage these groups to interact in a cooperative manner. Include these principles in your infographic. Cite at […]

What identifying factors contribute to low morale within functional teams?

Write a case analysis from the attached paper. From the question of What identifying factors contribute to low morale within functional teams? Answer the 2 questions below. • Problem Description • How the problem was identified • Evidence of problem presence I do not need an introduction or conclusion, write paper per directions

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