Discuss the relationship between the environment and the information that we’ve discussed regarding capitalism.Write a summary of what you learned. Include any information that you found most interesting or surprising.

The Environment

The following internet assignment is a great way to discuss the relationship between the environment and the information that we’ve discussed regarding capitalism.

You may have seen this web video in other classes, but it’s good to watch it again, analyzing the issues from a sociological perspective.

1) Go to www.storyofstuff.org (Links to an external site.)

2) Scroll down until you find ‘Story of Stuff’.

3) Watch the movie (it’s about 20 minutes long).

4) Write a summary of what you learned. Include any information that you found most interesting or surprising.

Discuss this film using key concepts that we’ve covered in class at this point of the term would expect that you include a discussion of the roles of the social institutions in the issues around corporate capitalism, consumerism and the shrinking of our natural resources.

5) For extra credit (up to 5 points), you can watch one of the additional movies that they’ve made on ‘The Story of Stuff’ site (explore the site to see all of the movies they’ve made)

Discuss the relationship between the environment and the information that we’ve discussed regarding capitalism.Write a summary of what you learned. Include any information that you found most interesting or surprising.
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