Research sustainable lessons from the Ottoman Empire. Choose an Ottoman city, building (e.g., mosque), or landscape (e.g., courtyard) and extract its sustainability lessons.

Case Study of Ottoman Empire’s Sustainability

An Overview of the Case Study Assignment

Your case study is divided in 4 steps:
1.Research sustainable lessons from the Ottoman Empire. Choose an Ottoman city, building (e.g., mosque), or landscape (e.g., courtyard) and extract its sustainability lessons.

2.  Write an 8-page essay – 8 full pages including images and drawing but excluding references and title page.
Include the following sections (use subtitles)
Overall history of the Ottoman Empire

Drawing of a mosque, identifying its main parts and explaining what they are and how they are used (e.g., minaret, mihrab, qibla, minbar, qubba/dome, and sahn)
Description of your selected city/building/landscape
Sustainability lessons
Use at least 5 references from UA Library (books, articles, videos) or the internet (max 2 internet sources)
Double-spaced, 12 font size
Include map, diagrams, figures

Final Paper due in the Dropbox by the deadline (see course calendar)

3. Create one PowerPoint slide with a picture and prepare a 1-minute presentation about one of the sections of your paper (landscape/building/city/neighborhood, and the related sustainability lessons).

Upload your slide in the Case Study VoiceThread (click on the “pages” icon on the lower left corner) and record your presentation by the deadline (see course calendar)

4. Comment on at least one of your classmates’ presentations by the deadline for the participation points.

Research sustainable lessons from the Ottoman Empire. Choose an Ottoman city, building (e.g., mosque), or landscape (e.g., courtyard) and extract its sustainability lessons.
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