Prepare and deliver a 5 -10 minute presentation on the findings of your points of view research paper of a topic of your choice.

Prepare and deliver a 5 -10 minute presentation on the findings of your points of view research paper of a topic of your choice. To record your presentation, you should create a PowerPoint with a voiceover.

The PowerPoint should contain a minimum of eight (8) slides, including an introduction slide and a conclusion.

A brief description of your points of view you chose to research.

An explanation of the topic you chose and why you chose it, such as its importance to persons, groups, business, or society.

A summary of the evidence you used to back up your point of view.

An analysis of the learning acquired through the phases of this project leading you to identify your points of view. Why did you choose one point of view over the other? What are the implications of your research?

You should use your research from the points of view research paper for this project; you also must use Microsoft PowerPoint to complete this assignment.

Prepare and deliver a 5 -10 minute presentation on the findings of your points of view research paper of a topic of your choice.
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