What effect did he have on Bentham, who wrote about the Penopticon? What about Piranesi, who did drawings of prisons?

Research Options: Write a FULL essay with introduction, Body and conclusion, with a Works Cited page of at least 5 works on one of the following questions.

Give your paper a title with a spin like this, “Artemesia Gentileschi: Wonderwoman,” but DO NOT, under penalty of death (D or F grade) write a merely biographical paper.

Create a main statement that is complex and does not merely follow an author, artist, or intellectual around for their life.

Beccaria—very interested in his work on rehabilitation in prisons.

What effect did he have on Bentham, who wrote about the Penopticon? What about Piranesi, who did drawings of prisons?

What effect did he have on Bentham, who wrote about the Penopticon? What about Piranesi, who did drawings of prisons?
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