Post one response to a classmate’s Commentary the response should be your evaluation of whether the Commentary is a critical analysis of the selected primary sources.

History of Work in America

Post one response to a classmate’s Commentary. The response is your evaluation of whether the Commentary is a critical analysis of the selected primary sources.

Here are the links to view the following videos, “John Stossel ABC News: Are Sweatshops Factories Good” and “Sky TV – Nike Sweatshops and the Sydney Olympics.”:

QUESTION #10: Go to Media Resources for Lesson 12, and view the following videos, “John Stossel ABC News: Are Sweatshops Factories Good” and “Sky TV – Nike Sweatshops and the Sydney Olympics.”

Could you conclude that sweatshops exist in developing nations because a developing nation–like the United States was in the nineteenth century–must go through the historical phase of harsh economic development in order for that developing nation to develop a modern economy?

Post one response to a classmate’s Commentary the response should be your evaluation of whether the Commentary is a critical analysis of the selected primary sources.
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