Using your own research, design and create a means or methods by which to evaluate and assess the risk associated with a specific pathological process.

Pathological Process

Using your own research, design and create a means or methods by which to evaluate and assess the risk associated with a specific pathological process.

Critical review to include:
Signs and symptoms of the specific pathological process

Causes of the pathological process

Epidemiological data related to the pathological process

Related disorders


Treatment modalities (consider Respiratory Care Driven Protocols)

Pulmonary/Respiratory manifestations

How can RTs help identify, recognize, minimize the risk of spread or potentially treat the pathological process

You will need to find and use at least 2-solid references in your research. Your paper will need to be a minimum of 500-words in APA formatting including your cited references.

Using your own research, design and create a means or methods by which to evaluate and assess the risk associated with a specific pathological process.
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