Using this excerpt as a guide, conduct a literature review about employee wellbeing in the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK.

Occupational Psychology

Improving the health and wellbeing of our staff is an essential component in making the NHS the best place to work, which was a commitment of the NHS Long Term Plan.

Understanding absence trends and causes are key to improving health and wellbeing for staff across the NHS. In 2017, the sickness absence rate across all NHS providers was 4.2%, while the overall average in the public sector was identified by the Office of National Statistics as 2.6% for the same period. Key findings from the 2018 NHS Staff Survey show record highs of staff feeling unwell due to work-related stress (39.8%) and musculoskeletal issues (27.6%).

Using this excerpt as a guide, conduct a literature review about employee wellbeing in the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK.

Based on your findings, make theory-driven and evidence-based recommendations for the following:

Psychometric test(s) you would use to gather more data relating to employee wellbeing within the NHS.
Any appropriate intervention(s) you would recommend based on the findings of your literature review.
Any training needs you have identified.
Total Word Count: 2,000 words.

Using this excerpt as a guide, conduct a literature review about employee wellbeing in the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK.
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