Read/view your library source. Then explain what your topic is in your own words and why you chose to research it for writing project 1.


SpacePlace Analysis Assignment Sheet.pdf 0 Remember, for this project you are analyzing the connections between your chosen topic (Identity, Access, Culture, Diversity, Inclusion, or Community) and the spaces/places you occupy.

1. Using Methodist’s Davis Memorial Library website, find one source you can use in your Writing Project #1 to provide support for your topic. This source can be a book, article, periodical, video, etc. The Using Library Resources webpage will help you find sources.

2. In a Word document, start with your APA-style title page for this assignment. Include your title, name, course name, instructor name, and date..

3. Read/view your library source, take any notes, then answer the following questions on the second page of your document:
Explain what your topic is in your own words and why you chose to research it for writing project 1.

What kind of information related to your topic and spaces/places will you need for Project 1?

Where did you locate this particular source?

How do you know this source is credible and appropriate to use for your paper?

4. Refer to your Argument Statement and Outline Assignment and choose one of your main topics in which you can incorporate your source.

Next, you will write one body paragraph from your space/place analysis (due M 11/7). (You are not writing the entire essay, just one paragraph.)

Your paragraph must use textual evidence or information from the library SOURCE. In your paragraph, you must provide 2 DIRECT QUOTES from the source. (Remember the ICE Method when using quotations. – Introduce, “insert quote”, Cite, & Explain. (See Applying Information From Sources for more information on using sources.)

Read/view your library source. Then explain what your topic is in your own words and why you chose to research it for writing project 1.
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