Find and correct all the errors in the following three citations.

Citation Corrections Turabian

Find and correct all the errors in the following three citations. Consult the Turabian book as you do this.

Start by skimming chapter 16 and consulting the templates shown in Figure 16.1 (pp. 146-148). Then, if you have questions about formatting a particular type of source, look for answers in Chapter 17.

 1. Footnote for a book
1Robert Barrass. Writing at Work: A guide to better writing in administration, business and management (London, Routledge, 2002), p. 44.

2. Bibliography entry for a journal article
Lee, Paul Tae-Woo & Jasmine Siu Lee Lam. “A Review of Port Devolution and Governance Models with Compound Eyes Approach.” In Transport Reviews 37, no. 4 (2017): 507-520

3. Bibliography entry for a report
Department of Transportation, City of San Jose. Traffic Calming Toolkit. (San Jose: City of San Jose, no date) accessed October 25, 2021. Links to an external site..

Find and correct all the errors in the following three citations.
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