Reflect on your experience in this course. List all that you find the most interesting about the projects. Make a list of what did you find the most challenging about the projects.


In this assignment, you’ll reflect on your experience in this course. This could be pertaining to the individual project and/or the team project, or the skills you have gained in this course.


For each question in the list below, you should keep the question (for readability) and then write your answers below it in paragraph(s) or sub-list (bullet or numbered) as appropriate.

List all that you find the most interesting about the projects. (2 points)

Make a list of what did you find the most challenging about the projects. (2 points)

Did you run into any major roadblocks in your designs or run into any places where you didn’t know how to proceed? How did you overcome these? (2 points)

Before the start of the projects you learned about engineering design process (EDP).

The steps involved are:

Identify an opportunity, define problem statement, research, imagine your own solutions, use models to predict their effectiveness, choose the best solution, create your prototype, then test your solutions, and improve as needed. All of these steps were with the customer as the center and focus. And you are supposed to test your ideas with simple tests and prototypes at various stages.

What steps were missing or improperly executed in your approach for the projects and why? Did they cause any problems?

Did you get any new insights about the engineering design process?

How did you apply the 3C’s (if at all) as you worked on your individual or team projects?

How was your experience working in a team? Comment on the strengths, weaknesses, management skills, etc. of your team/team members.

If your team had issues, how could you have avoided those? Would better team norms ) have helped?

If you were to start the projects all over again, what would you do differently with respect to your design, your team, etc.? List all.

Make a list of technical skills, lessons, best-practices have you acquired/practiced throughout the course that could be helpful to you as an engineer.

Make a list of non-technical skills, lessons, best-practices have you acquired/practiced throughout the course that could be helpful to you as an engineer.

Reflect on your experience in this course. List all that you find the most interesting about the projects. Make a list of what did you find the most challenging about the projects.
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