Is NBC ethically reporting the news? Write two paragraphs that rhetorical analyze the text.

Annotated Bibliography: Is NBC Ethically Reporting the News?

Prompt: Gather research for your Q paper and present it in an annotated bibliography.

Construct a bibliography for 4 sources to be used in Paper 4.
Write an original summary of each source.
Write two paragraphs that rhetorical analyze the text. The first paragraph must focus on the rhetorical situation, and the second one must analyze the argument. See Writing Arguments for more info.
Creates a working claim for Paper 4.
Format and documented correctly using APA style.

Choose an issue question from your group’s chosen topic (see the Q topic list). Only one person can choose a question unless the question says otherwise.

Narrow the question down; use exploratory research of necessary.

Complete research for a paper that takes a stand on the specific question asked. Make sure to get 4 college appropriate sources.

Create a working bibliography page—using APA style for the sources.

Complete 3 annotated paragraphs per source.

Make sure everything is in the correct APA format.

Revise, edit, and proofread your annotated bibliography.

Is NBC ethically reporting the news? Write two paragraphs that rhetorical analyze the text.
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