Find some data breach/security incident that interests you. Expand the search then write an essay discussing what should be in the project.

1. Requirements:

a. 10-12 (2,500 — 3,000 word count) pages (excluding title, table of content, and references/citations), double spaced, citations, APA format

b. Upload as a word document. DO NOT upload as a PDF or any other format.

2. Topic: a. Find some data breach/security incident that interests you.

b. Do not limit to only US companies. Expand the search.

3. What should be in the project?

Part 1: Report of the incident (30% of the project/grading) (3 pages)

Part 2: Shown what you have learned (45% of the project/grading) (7- 9 pages)

Find some data breach/security incident that interests you. Expand the search then write an essay discussing what should be in the project.
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