
Write a 2-to-3-page reflection that includes a description of the activity that you chose for developing her language skills, and explain why this activity would be appropriate for the student’s level of English proficiency.

REFLECTION PAPER Review the information below about an English Language Learner who has recently arrived in the country. Write a 2-to-3-page reflection that includes a description of the activity that you chose for developing her language skills, and explain why this activity would be appropriate for the student’s level of English proficiency. Your paper should […]

Discuss how nature programs support socially inclusive teaching and assessment practices whilst considering how the nature programs support socially inclusive teaching and assessment practices.

RESEARCH PAPER ASSIGNMENT Using one of the four elements of nature (wind, earth, water, light/fire) complete the graphic organiser provided by brainstorming learning experience ideas and teaching strategies for each curriculum learning area across 0-2 years, 3-5 years and F-2. The content in the graphic organiser should demonstrate an awareness of how teaching through nature […]

What is structuration theory, and why is this theoretical perspective unique in comparison to the other theoretical perspectives?

Structuration Theory In about 250-300 words each, answer each question and provide the question being answered. What is structuration theory, and why is this theoretical perspective unique in comparison to the other theoretical perspectives? In which ways does the socialization process within organizations support the validity of structuration theory?  provide at least one concrete example […]

Summarize, critique, and personally apply a research article from a professional journal. Then include a personal application that includes a clear concluding sentence.

Article Critique Complete 2 Journal Critiques. For each critique, you will summarize, critique, and personally apply a research article from a professional journal. Utilize research journals in your particular field where possible. Each critique must have and introduction and conclusion paragraph along with 3 main paragraphs: 1) a summary paragraph; 2) an analysis of author’s […]

Compare and contrast the language and tone used in the two websites. Discuss ASAN’s information on schools, violence, and healthcare and contrast it to the information in Autism Speaks.

Autism Speaks & Autistic Self-Advocacy Network Create a thread of at least 400 words and 3–5 paragraphs. You must support your assertions in the initial thread with at least two scholarly sources in the current APA format. Single Spaced in APA format with references. Explore the Autism Speaks (Links to an external site.) and Autistic […]

Explore the knowledge, skills and attitudes that a competent writer needs, in order to identify what you will need to teach your own students in the classroom.

Writer identity Investigate thoughts, feelings and confidence about being a writer of yourself and those of another person. Explore the knowledge, skills and attitudes that a competent writer needs, in order to identify what you will need to teach your own students in the classroom. Reflect upon this on the opposite page. Submit all your […]

Prepare an article critique addressing on using cooperative learning and the flipped classroom model with prospective teachers to increase digital literacy self-efficacy, technopedagogical education, and 21st-Century skills competence.

Article Critique Prepare an article critique addressing on using cooperative learning and the flipped classroom model with prospective teachers to increase digital literacy self-efficacy, technopedagogical education, and 21st-Century skills competence.

Reflect on, and evaluate, children’s needs for care, children’s play and children’s learning from a care ethics perspective.

Play and care in preschool Describe the preschool’s and preschool teacher’s double task of creating conditions for both care and play and learning in the preschool’s activities Reflect on, and evaluate, children’s needs for care, children’s play and children’s learning from a care ethics perspective.

Write an essay on (the evolution of) sex education in different cultures (western culture, Muslim culture, 3th world…).

The evolution of sex education in different cultures Write an essay on (the evolution of) sex education in different cultures (western culture, Muslim culture, 3th world…). Emphasize the importance of relational and sexual education. Use the uploaded file about the history of sex ed by John P. Elia as one of the sources.

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