
Implement a Bubble Sort for sorting arrays of Strings. Run the program and compare the run times of the two algorithms.

CSCI-2467 Lab 14 – Sorting Algorithms Background Download the starter project Unzip the file with 7zip using “Extract Here”. Open the Lab14 project with IntelliJ. The project contains two data files containing serialized String arrays containing surnames (from the census data set). surnames.ser – contains 100 surnames bigsurnames.ser – contains 25,000 surnames Assignment Implement […]

Describe in general what the selected procedure does and how it contributes to the overall functionality of the program.

Performance Task 3a. Provide a written response that: (Approx. 150 words, for all subparts of 3a combined) Describes the overall purpose of the program; The purpose of the ‘Get Fit’ app is to aid users in understanding the number of calories they should be consuming based on their weight and goal. Describes what functionality the […]

Write a program to find the factorial of a given number using recursion. Write a program to check if a given string is a palindrome.

Java Questions Solve the Questions: Write a program to find the largest element in an array of integers. Write a program to reverse a string. Write a program to find the factorial of a given number using recursion. Write a program to check if a given string is a palindrome. Write a program to sort […]

What is the name of the search algorithm that loops over every item in the list to check if it contains the sought item?

ICS 140 Computational Thinking with Programming Class Exercise 11 What is the name of the search algorithm that loops over every item in the list to check if it contains the sought item? The binary search method is faster than searching all items but has an additional constraint. What is required of a list to […]

Write a java Programming for Dynamic Programing Algorithm to Solve Traveling Salesman Problem.

Java Programming Write a java Programming for Dynamic Programing Algorithm to Solve Traveling Salesman Problem. Input: a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities (represented as a directed weighted graph) Output: an optimal tour, and the distance of the optimal tour. (An optimal tour is the shortest possible route that visits […]

Discuss a machine learning problem given your chosen application; identify the problem, the requirements for a predictive model and its impact. 

Machine Learning Application: Predictions and Interpretations The aim of this coursework is for you to apply your knowledge in Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics, to work creatively on a dataset of a real-world application; to define a learning problem, discuss data attributes, evaluate suitable learning algorithm(s)— analytically or through your implementation, and to present your […]

Write in your own words an algorithm to solve this problem for any additional numbers. Explain how you would use Linear search to find the value 27?

Linear Algebra Given this sequence of numbers: 9 13 19 27 37 a) What are the three next numbers? b) Write in your own words an algorithm to solve this problem for any additional numbers. c) Explain how you would use Linear search to find the value 27? What do you understand by the term […]

Submit the algorithm in pseudocode (or any computer language) to minimize f(x) by finding vector x using gradient-based optimization: f(x) = 0.5 * ||A * x − b||^2, where A, x, and b are some vectors.

Optimization Submit the algorithm in pseudocode (or any computer language) to minimize f(x) by finding vector x using gradient-based optimization: f(x) = 0.5 * ||A * x − b||^2, where A, x, and b are some vectors.

What are the differences between the switch and router? Explain network protocols including Transport Control Protocol / Internet Protocol.

ASSIGNMENT Develop the ability to outline layered approach for networking and the physical layer & associated hardware and software integration. Question One What are the differences between the switch and router? (List 3 differences) Explain network protocols including Transport Control Protocol / Internet Protocol. Question Two Given the following IP address, determine the following: […]

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