
How does your analogy (e.g., “The Drill Sergeant”: My Philosophy of Education) connect with the upcoming content in the document?

EDUC 2130: Philosophy of Education Outline of Paper Sections Section 1: Introduction. Write one paragraph, on-page maximum length, double-spaced. What is your analogy for the education profession? How does your analogy (e.g., “The Drill Sergeant”: My Philosophy of Education) connect with the upcoming content in the document? Section 2: Why You Teach (Refer to Chapter […]

How adequately does the article support the premises of the argument? How strongly do the premises of the argument support the truth of the conclusion?

ASSIGNMENT Read the assigned sections of Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 in your textbook: 5.1: Basic Concepts in Inductive Reasoning 5.2: Statistical Arguments: Statistical Syllogisms 5.3: Statistical Arguments: Inductive Generalizations 5.6: Arguments from Authority 5.7: Arguments from Analogy Chapter 5 Summary 6.4: Reasoning About Science: The Hypothetico-Deductive Method 6.5: Inference to the Best Explanation Watch […]

What is the name of the black man who heroically waves at the ship Argus on the horizon and why did Gericault place him there at the top of the “pyramid of hope” as a hero? Why did Gericault use him?

The Raft of the Medusa Why did Gericault do this painting and how did he focus on social responsibility/prejudice/incompetence in the painting? Why did it happen? Why did some get lifeboats while others got a raft with little food? What is the name of the black man who heroically waves at the ship Argus on […]

Choose one or two central claims made by the author(s), describe and analyze the evidence that is used to support it.

Step 1: Summarize both articlesBefore you are able to analyze an argument you must be able to summarize it. Good summaries include a description of the authors ideas including any claims made by the author. Good summaries also review evidence used to advance the argument.To prepare to summarize the text, read it to get a […]

Does Cohabitation before a remarriage improve one's likelihood of having successful remarriage?Children of gay and lesbian parents are likely to be gay themselves. Do you agree with this analogy?

Discuss the following; 1) Does Cohabitation before a remarriage improve one's likelihood of having successful remarriage? 2) Children of gay and lesbian parents are likely to be gay themselves. Do you agree with this analogy?

Explain, reconstruct, and critically examine Alistair Norcross’ argument for ethical treatment of animals.

4 page paper on the provided prompts. Must Use provided documents and only can cite from provided sources. Explain, reconstruct, and critically examine Alistair Norcross’ argument for ethical treatment of animals. Make sure you explain Norcross’ use of analogy in comprehensive detail, as well as providing the argument form (reconstruction). Also, be sure to argue […]

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