Animal tales

What elements of the genre (Animal Tales, Fantasy, and Speculative Fiction) are being used in one specific piece.

Read any 3 article of your choice on primary sources and answer the following questions: 1. What did you enjoy most about the reading? be specific and use examples from life experience, experiential learning, and the texts themselves (MLA format). 2. Paraphrase each reading in four or less sentences. 3. What elements of the genre […]

Create an analytical essay analyzing how fantasy, animal tales, and speculative fiction intersect with critical terminology of Class, Liminality, and Science Fiction.

After reading the 3 assigned primary sources, you will create an analytical essay analyzing how fantasy, animal tales, and speculative fiction intersect with critical terminology of Class, Liminality, and Science Fiction. You should analyze each of these terms by defining the term, using an example of the term or analyzing the term with an example […]

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