
Create an opening sequence for a hypothetical documentary film on a famous public figure. Use still photos or video, animated text, logos, animation, screen captures, score music, voice overs, and sound elements to create a compelling sequence.

Final Project – Documentary Film Opening Credits Project: Create an opening sequence for a hypothetical documentary film on a famous public figure. Use still photos or video, animated text, logos, animation, screen captures, score music, voice overs, and sound elements to create a compelling sequence. You may utilize ANY of the skills from the many […]

Calculate their performance scores and analyze which one will best serve Bob’s Custom BBQs.

Assistance with Case Study Presentation This case study explains three different transit companies that Bob’s Custom BBQs is considering to use. You are to calculate their performance scores and analyze which one will best serve Bob’s Custom BBQs. You are to read this case study and answer all three questions. After answering the questions, you […]

Implement in Java with a GUI the game Minesweeper. Give the option to the user to choose at the start of the game between “Beginner”, “Intermediate” and “Advanced”.

Java-Minesweeper Game Implement in Java with a GUI the game Minesweeper with the following restrictions: Board size: you should give the option to the user to choose at the start of the game between “Beginner”, “Intermediate” and “Advanced”. The board size and number of mines for each of these three choices are the following: Beginner: […]

Choose a film within the assigned genre and analyze its cinematic form and content using the skills in film analysis you’ve developed in our class.

Animation Write at least ONE short essay on films of your choice. In Focus 1 will look at animated films, and In Focus 2 will analyze blockbuster/franchise films. For each short (1000 word minimum) essay, you will choose a film within the assigned genre and analyze its cinematic form and content using the skills in […]

Write about your favorite art type / period / movement, describing where does it originate from, who were the most notable influences of it, what makes this art type unique (including specific characteristics about it) and focusing on what about the art type do you personally like.

Topic: History of Islamic art Write about your favorite art type / period / movement, describing where does it originate from, who were the most notable influences of it, what makes this art type unique (including specific characteristics about it) and focusing on what about the art type do you personally like.

Create a PowerPoint presentation then write a research report or develop an online presentation, cite your sources.

PowerPoint presentation Create a PowerPoint presentation: 1. Make use of PowerPoint’s capabilities for presenting text, animation, video, and audio. 2. Include a bibliography (works cited page) as the last section of the presentation. 3. Citing Sources Whether you decide to write a research report or develop an online presentation, you will need to cite your […]

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