
Give a brief description of the event or the situation along with the historical/political  backgrounds contributing to this event.

CURRENT EVENT ASSIGNMENT Choose a current  event/news article (no more than 2 weeks old) that relates to a culture/country in the majority world. “developing countries” (countries in Africa, Asia, South and Central America Article URL: 1. Give a brief description of the event or the situation along with the historical/political  backgrounds contributing to this event. […]

Explain how did nationalism in Asia compare with nationalism in other parts of the world?

Nationalism How did nationalism in Asia compare with nationalism in other parts of the world? Did it imitate European nationalism, or branch off into new directions? Was there a single, distinctive form of Asian nationalism? This is a short essay (roughly 400-500 words or one-and-a-half to two pages, double spaced), but you are still expected […]

Write a research paper on Vasco da Gama’s contribution to the European age of global colonialism in Asia.

Write a research paper on Vasco da Gama’s contribution to the European age of global colonialism in Asia. Research paper for undergraduate student. The primary source for this paper is the “Book: The Journal of the First Voyage of Vasco da Gama to India .”

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