
Drawing on Sim’s article (2016) on prisons’ budget cuts during austerity, critically discuss the following quote below.

Sim’s article (2016) Drawing on Sim’s article (2016) on prisons’ budget cuts during austerity, critically discuss the following quote: “The current [prison] crisis has been relentlessly tied to the budget cuts. While the cuts have intensified the crisis, they are not its cause”.

What is gained or lost in seeing the 1950’s as some kind of ‘golden era’? Did the 1960’s really deliver lasting social and cultural change?

Sociology of modern Britain Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding: A detailed knowledge of the social, political, cultural and economic history of post-WW2 Britain up to contemporary times. 2 Demonstrate the following skills and abilities: Design, implement and derive sound conclusions from an investigation into a chosen topic/event of sociological interest via set writing exercise […]

Write a 1000 word blog article for Social Housing Matters.

Write a 1000 word blog article for Social Housing Matters on the below statement: ‘In the current climate with Covid-19, austerity and a focus on home ownership, which policy recommendation(s) would you make to enhance the sector’s chances of being able to do its job: providing homes for as many people as possible while providing […]

Critically examine the extent to which child offenders within the Criminal Justice System may be victims of the criminal justice process?

This assessment draws on themes from both halves of the module, and you are expected to incorporate relevant perspectives from the first half in your examination of specific criminal justice issues raised in the second half. Select one of the six prompts below and critically discuss with reference to relevant module themes: -To what extent […]

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