
What effect did he have on Bentham, who wrote about the Penopticon? What about Piranesi, who did drawings of prisons?

Research Options: Write a FULL essay with introduction, Body and conclusion, with a Works Cited page of at least 5 works on one of the following questions. Give your paper a title with a spin like this, “Artemesia Gentileschi: Wonderwoman,” but DO NOT, under penalty of death (D or F grade) write a merely biographical […]

Write an essay on the importance of critique in the texts we read by Beccaria and Kant. A “critique” is a systematic analysis and assessment of something.

ESSAY QUESTION The texts we read by Beccaria and Kant aimed to bring into question the assumptions that tied the legal and moral order closely to the prestige of sovereign rulers and the Church. Beccaria and Kant promoted instead a doctrine of enlightened republicanism according to which the law is thought to apply to all […]

Which of these schools of thought do you lean more toward when you think about crime and why? What modern day criminal justice policies do you think are based upon the ideas proposed by Beccaria and/or Bentham?

Pick any of the 8 out of 11 to answer. Describe what the American dream is. Do you believe that merton’s theory explains crime adequately, both at the aggregate and at the individual level? Explain your answer Provide examples of the five adaptations to strain that you see in your own life. Provide three examples […]

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