
Analyze how a poem draws on a turning point (or turning points) to encode implicit ideas, claims, or worldviews. What ideas, claims or worldview emerge in the poem before the turning point(s)?

Poem by Phillis Wheatley 2 ½ – 3 pages, double spaced (not including the Work Cited page) This is the poem by Phillis Wheatley Analyze how a poem draws on a turning point (or turning points) to encode implicit ideas, claims, or worldviews.  What ideas, claims or worldview emerge in the poem before the turning […]

Consider the female poets from the start to the finish of the course (Bradstreet, Wheatley, and Dickinson, specifically). Evaluate how poetry by women changes throughout the period.

Critical Paper Consider the female poets from the start to the finish of the course (Bradstreet, Wheatley, and Dickinson, specifically). Evaluate how poetry by women changes throughout the period. Show the change in poetry by analyzing one or two poems from each writer in comparison/contrast to one another BASED ON THE CHANGES you identify.

Critically discuss Bradstreet’s “To My Dear and Loving Husband” with Taylor’s “Huswifery” to demonstrate the contrasts and similarities between the two poets.

To My Dear and Loving Husband 1. Critically discuss Bradstreet’s “To My Dear and Loving Husband” with Taylor’s “Huswifery” to demonstrate the contrasts and similarities between the two poets. Include direct quotes from Bradstreet’s “To My Dear and Loving Husband” and Taylor’s “Huswifery” for analysis and support.

Write a short argumentative essay over one or two of the Beginnings to the 1700s works in the course proving either its impact on current culture.

Write a short argumentative essay (500 words minimum) over one or two of the Beginnings to the 1700s works (Columbus, Bradstreet, Winthrop, Edwards, etc.) in the course proving either its impact on current culture (how is it still relevent OR being referenced, used in movies– for examples, etc.) AND/OR how historical occurrences impacted, inspired the […]

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