
Present an argument that some cultural practices should not be embraced for America to maintain its identity.

Topic A: Equal Opportunity or a Fair One? Most employers tout being an “Equal Opportunity Employer.” In America, we promote both multiculturalism and diversity, but may not fully understand the differences. While multiculturalism may be great when thinking about cuisine and festivals, present an argument that some cultural practices should not be embraced for America […]

Choose a topic and then research how four geographic concepts are related to and affect your topic.

ASSIGNMENT For this project, choose a topic and then research how four geographic concepts are related to and affect your topic. Instead of presenting your research as a traditional paper, use PowerPoint to create a narrated presentation. Your presentation will be structured like a paper, including a title, introduction to the topic, main body, summary […]

Choose a topic and then research how four geographic concepts are related to and affect your topic.

Assignment 1: The Annotated Bibliography For this project, choose a topic and then research how four geographic concepts are related to and affect your topic. Instead of presenting your research as a traditional paper, use PowerPoint to create a narrated presentation. Your presentation will be structured like a paper, including a title, introduction to the […]

Choose one cultural element of Korea ( e.g., music, art, literature, dance, architecture, clothing, cuisine, teen culture, etc.) you want to introduce to the world and suggest three ways to promote it by relating it to American culture.

Cultural element of Korea Choose one cultural element of Korea ( e.g., music, art, literature, dance, architecture, clothing, cuisine, teen culture, etc.) you want to introduce to the world and suggest three ways to promote it by relating it to American culture. The length should be one full page ( approximately 550-580 words ) / […]

Develop your own open inquiry question about a cuisine, food, or topic related to food that interests you, and preferably, is important to you.

Analytical Research Paper Develop your own open inquiry question about a cuisine, food, or topic related to food that interests you, and preferably, is important to you. Then investigate sources that help you arrive at: an original conclusion (a theory, proposal, interpretation, or prediction) for your own inquiry question. Provide significant information from at least […]

Research and write a research paper discussing on Hakka Chinese, its people, and the fluidity of the culture.

Hakka Chinese Research paper on Hakka Chinese, its people, and the fluidity of the culture. The main statement written but you are allowed change is “Although the Hakka Chinese are known as the guest in China, they are a group of people of rich history which is reflected in their cuisine.”

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