Dr. Caligari

Watch the documentary called Visions of Light from Youtube from the given link. Use what you learned from watching Visions of Light to explain the use of light, camera movement and possibly production design.

Topic: Film Review Watch the documentary called Visions of Light from Youtube from the given link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVns3k-NGAo Then watch the movie called, “The Cabinet of Dr.Caligari” by Robert Wiene. While writing this review compare and contrast how these Silent Features show the advancements from the early filmmakers such as Porter, Lumiere, Melies and Blache. Use […]

Explore how sets and camerawork are used to convey important information about the characters of Charles Foster Kane in Citizen Kane and Franzis in The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.

Answer THREE of the following questions using provided documentation in additional material. Each answer should be in the form of an essay 600-900 words in length. Be as precise as possible, and take into consideration both technical and thematic aspects of the films in question: 1. Consider the symbolic meanings of Kong in King Kong […]

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