
What Windows operating system (OS) is installed on the system? Who is the registered owner and what is the registered organization of this system?

Computer Forensics Introduction to FTK Purpose: To Introduce some basic features of FTK. Preparation: Review user guide and lab video/slides on Blackboard. Application location: Virtual Computing Lab Evidence file: Mantooth.E01 (located in \\\Forensic Data\Mantooth.E01) Questions to answer: 1) What sector does Partition 2 begin in? 2) What is the physical size of Partition 1? 3) […]

Generate an extended comparison between the two texts, or you could generate a comparison between Dracula or I Am Legend and Frankenstein.

Possible Topics to choose from: Good Vs. Evil, Power/Control, Female Sexuality, Female Subjectivity, or Anxieties of Masculinity While your essay can focus primarily on either Dracula or I Am Legend, you must cite each of them at some point in your essay. At least TWO scholarly secondary sources Generate a focused interpretive analysis of the […]

Write a novel justifying and embracing British colonialism, does the fact that his novel is all conveyed third hand help to cover over and distance from the violence of colonialism?

2. Consider Dracula as an epistolary novel (that is, a novel written in the form of letters). What does this device do to the narrative? Does it help to remove or protect the reader from the full horror of what is being described? More generally, how does the structure of Dracula work to promote or […]

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