
Create the wax museum project, research and decide how you will formatively assess students. Then write a 250-500 word reflection describing your assessment plan.

Wax Museum Project In Topic 4, you created a wax museum project for your students. In order to modify, strengthen, and adjust instruction as students are creating the wax museum project, research and decide how you will formatively assess students. Additionally, create a summative assessment for the students. Part 1: Assessment Plan For this assignment, […]

Identify your key selling points for the job application process. Evaluate the primary needs of employers for positions of interest.

BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Chapter 16 in BUSINESS COMMUNICATION: Developing Leaders for a Networked World, Peter Cardon, 4th Edition McGraw-Hill Education Watch the short videos at the following link: Designing Your Career: The Informational Interview – YouTube Understand principles for professional networking. Identify your key selling points for the job application process. Evaluate the primary needs of […]

Describe how principalism would be applied according to the Christian worldview.Based on the “Healing and Autonomy” case study, fill out all the relevant boxes below.

This assignment will incorporate a common practical tool in helping clinicians begin to ethically analyze a case. Organizing the data in this way will help you apply the four principles and four boxes approach. Part 1: Chart This chart will formalize the four principles and four boxes approach and the four-boxes approach by organizing the […]

Write an argumentative essay on one of the module topics (e.g. Enhancement, Equality, Fairness, etc)

Each student must write an argumentative essay on one of the module topics (e.g. Enhancement, Equality, Fairness, etc). It should reference at least two philosophical readings from the course and at least three secondary sources discovered through your own research. Most importantly, the final paper should contain a clear thesis that states the position you […]

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