
In the 3rd Dialogue, “The Crito,” what reasons does Crito offer to convince Socrates to escape with him?

The Trial and Death of Socrates (1) In Plato’s 1st Dialogue of The Trial and Death of Socrates, Socrates questions Euthyphro and his understanding of the nature of Piety and righteousness. What makes Euthyphro so confident that he knows what it means to be “Pious?” If he does really “know,” why won’t Socrates accept any […]

Which of these men would you like to meet and why?

Book – Koller, Jonathan. Asian Philosophies. Seventh Edition. Your reaction to 1 person in this chapter: Gandhi, Aurobindo, Iqbal,  Radhakrishnan. Write: Which of these men would you like to meet and why? Would you like to try the Dervish practice? Why or why not? COMMENT: On one other student Post. Read through many student Posts […]

What beliefs do Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism have in common?

PHIL109 World Religions – Research Paper Guidelines Essay writing is one of the best exercises to help improve critical thinking, argumentation and practical logic skills. This will help you learn how to effectively work with information, structure it, filter out questionable data, make conclusions – simply everything connected with the study of logic. When writing […]

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