Gender binary

Describe each of the four major sociological theoretical frameworks: Conflict Theory, Functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, and Feminist Theory.

Theory and Sex and Gender 1. Describe each of the four major sociological theoretical frameworks: Conflict Theory, Functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, and Feminist Theory. 2. Describe intersectionality. How might we use it when we explore human sexuality? 3 .Describe the Sociological Imagination. How might using it help us remain unbiased when we explore sexuality? 4. What […]

Discuss why you think any of these theories are important, how you see the theories working together to explain human sexual orientation.

Gender binary and Human sexual orientation What are some examples of how society assumes everyone is part of the gender binary (male or female)? How might this be challenging for society, both those who do not fit the gender binary and those who do? or There are several theories which are used to explain human […]

Compose a thoughtful, well-organized, 800-1000 word op-ed on the depiction of gender roles/gender representation in a fictional TV show (no “reality TV;” animated series, e.g., Family Guy, are fine) that you have watched or currently watch.

Gender and TV Op-ed Required length: 800-1000 words Format: The op-ed should be a Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) file. It should be double-spaced, should use 12pt/Times New Roman font, and should use either MLA or APA citation style where applicable. For this assignment, compose a thoughtful, well-organized, 800-1000 word op-ed on the depiction of […]

Demonstrate an understanding of gender as a social construct over time and space. Demonstrate the ability to define feminism(s) in your own words.

1. Demonstrate that you know how to define gender, sex, gender identity, sexuality, and gender binary. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of how different oppression intertwine. Be able to give specific examples of this. 3. Demonstrate an understanding of gender as a social construct over time and space. 4. Demonstrate the ability to define feminism(s) in […]

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