Hernan Cortes

Create a map of Hernán Cortés’s route from Cuba through the fall of Tenochtitlán and significant events of the conquest.

Google Map Assignment Familiarize yourself with Google My Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/d/. Once you are familiar with its basic tools, choose one of the following and create a map of it. 1. Locations in which Portuguese explorers had established Atlantic outposts prior to 1492 and their significance 2. One of Columbus’s voyages and significant events associated with […]

Write a 4-5 essay on the theme. Give your essay a title that begins to do the work of communicating to a reader what the paper is about or what it will say.

ESSAY PAPER Write a 4-5 essay on the following theme. You may use materials assigned in class as well as lecture and discussion section notes, but no outside sources are allowed. Hernán Cortés and his men often remarked that the Mexica were terrified of Spanish horses, which they believed were gods. Offer a different interpretation […]

Describe some positive and negative consequences of European exploration for humanity.

Explain which explorer between (approximately) 1450-1600 is your favorite. Why? What’s his nationality? What country contracted him? What was that country’s primary motivation to explore the globe and did they successfully achieve their goals or did they shift their objective after discovering unforeseen resources? Describe some positive and negative consequences of European exploration for humanity. […]

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