
Read two short passages by two very famous Hindus – Mahatma Gandhi and Sri Ramakrishna. Choose one of  these readings and discuss your thoughts and reaction to it.

HINDU READING This week you read two short passages by two very famous Hindus – Mahatma Gandhi and Sri Ramakrishna. For your discussion board, choose one of  these readings and discuss your thoughts and reaction to it. In your response you can respond to any of the following questions: why did you choose this particular […]

Briefly discuss how the third “arena” of religious conflict addressed in Lloyd Steffen’s chapter can be illuminated and problematized in the light of the examples taken up in Karen L. King’s chapter (“Christianity and Torture”) from the same handbook.

ASSIGNMENT Scope: Write about 800-1400 words per question. The scope of the entire exam in total about 4000–7000 words, excluding any bibliography. USE ONLY THE LITERATURE LIST BELOW Answer the following questions 1. JUDAISM Explain the historical roots and the most important features of the so-called “blood libel”. How did the “blood accusation” affect public […]

Based on R. K. Naravan’s version of The Ramayana and no other source, what are the main values that Hinduism wishes to promote?

PAPER ON THE RAMAYANA PAPER ASSIGNMENT: Submit a typed, double-spaced paper not less than TWO (2) full pages long–and not more than THREE (3) full pages long–on the topic indicated below. ASSIGNMENT TOPIC/PROMPT: Based on R. K. Naravan’s version of The Ramayana and no other source, what are the main values that Hinduism wishes to […]

Write a research paper on the historical belief, and acceptance that Jews are God"s chosen people.

Assignment Write a research paper on the following Four different topics: 1. The MANY similarities and FEW differences between Jews and Indians. 2. The historical belief, and acceptance that Jews are God"s chosen people. 3. Few other countries has harmed and exploited another like Britain did to India. 4. Jews (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) and […]

Research yoga in Hinduism and the West, provide a conversation in which you compare and contrast the Hindu and Western practices of yoga.

DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT Topic In the “A Closer Look” section on page 75 of the textbook (3-3b), there is a conversation about popular misunderstandings of Hindu terms in the West (North America and Europe). Terms such as Karma, Mantra, Guru, and Avatar have religious meanings in Hinduism, but have acquired secular meanings in the West. One […]

What in Buddhist philosophy led Buddha to instruct his followers that he was “Not a God, but only a man seeking the truth”?

ETHICS AND HINDUISM What is meant by the phrase “Islam is a complete way of life”? What are some examples that would validate the truth of this assertion? What do Hindus mean when they say, “Truth does not come to the individual; it already resides within each of us”? What in Buddhist philosophy led Buddha […]

Choose one of the narrative texts you’ve read, and compare it to an adaptation of your choice. Do a close study of both – what are the changes that were made in adapting the work?

WRITING ASSIGNMENT Choose one of the narrative texts you’ve read, and compare it to an adaptation of your choice. Do a close study of both – what are the changes that were made in adapting the work? Why do you think these changes were made – you may explore cultural, political, or social reasons and […]

Compare and/or contrast East Asian Religions with Buddhism and Hinduism. Include how they are similar and how they differ.

East Asian Religion The estimated number of Hindus has surpassed 800 million people. Discuss from your point of view that factors that have caused Hinduism to become the third largest religion in the present world and the largest religious group in Asia. Discuss the life and experiences of Siddhartha that has given shape to the […]

Prepare an essay explaining are you persuaded by Troeltsch’s view on religion? If yes, explain why. If not, explain why not.

Troeltsch’s view on religion Are you persuaded by Troeltsch’s view on religion? If yes, explain why. If not, explain why not. To answer, ponder upon what you find in Hinduism. Limit the essay to 400 words but no less than 300 words.

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