inferential statistics

Describe the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics. Write about a time when you used descriptive statistic to make a decision in your life.

Week 8 Topic 1 COLLAPSE Describe the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics. Write about a time when you used descriptive statistic to make a decision in your life. Remember to city and reference page 300 words work.

Prepare a short presentation that explains some foundational aspects of hypothesis testing for the middle school civics class.

Power Point Presentation You have been asked to prepare a presentation for your local middle school civics class. The students have been seeing and hearing information online about statistics and statistical significance leading up to the presidential election. They are confused about what exactly that means. Prepare a short presentation that explains some foundational aspects […]

Distinguish between descriptive and inferential statistics. Identify the different kinds of descriptive statistics researchers use to summarize their data.

Analyzing the Data Distinguish between descriptive and inferential statistics. Identify the different kinds of descriptive statistics researchers use to summarize their data. Describe the purpose of inferential statistics. Distinguish between Type I and Type II errors.

Identify 4 different types of data you have encountered today or this week. Provide a critique of the data by discussing the population, sample, and any descriptive or inferential information related to the data.

Assignment Data and statistics are shared with us every day. In this course, you have explored data, visualizing data, central tendency, descriptive statistics, and basics of inferential statistics. You reflected about your experience and thoughts about data. Now that you have learned some additional statistics concepts, let’s reflect again. Respond to the following in a […]

Describe the psychological background of the effect that you are measuring. Interpret the results and relate them to the background.

Written Assignment The paper should consist of 4 parts (1-2 pages each) Introduction, Procedure, Results, Conclusions. The Introduction section: describe the psychological background of the effect that you are measuring. The Procedure section: describe in detail what was done. The Results section: report the data. The Conclusions section: interpret the results and relate them to […]

Explain what descriptive statistics are and a few keys to understand for using them in student success initiatives.

SPSS Reflection 1) When it comes to using SPSS, what do you find as most helpful and most difficult? 2) For 2A and 2B assume that you are writing a short paragraph summary to a candidate entering Stats at the start of next semester… 2A: Explain what descriptive statistics are and a few keys to […]

Choose a hypothesis, cite at least three references to justify your hypothesis, test your hypothesis with an analysis of the DATA540.SAV file, and then report and discuss the results.

Final Research Report: Write a brief research report (up to about 7 pages, not including title page, abstract, and references), based on an analysis of the data file. Choose a hypothesis, cite at least three references to justify your hypothesis, test your hypothesis with an analysis of the DATA540.SAV file, and then report and discuss […]

Demonstrate the use of the normal distribution, the standard normal distribution, and the central limit theorem for calculating areas under the normal curve and exploring these concepts in real life applications.

Demonstrate the use of the normal distribution, the standard normal distribution, and the central limit theorem for calculating areas under the normal curve and exploring these concepts in real life applications. Scenario Frank has only had a brief introduction to statistics when he was in high school 12 years ago, and that did not cover […]

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