Life Transitions

Identify, define and discuss policy issues related to aging and gender. Should aging prisoners be granted a “compassionate release” for medical treatment?

Social Gerontology policy paper Options Learners have the option of conducting and writing up a field interview or writing a Social Gerontology policy paper. Option #1 – Field Interview Option: Life Transition paper. For this paper, you will conduct a personal interview with someone age 60 or older. The focus of the paper is the […]

According to the week’s readings, explain what do you know about some of the family characteristics of this couple?

Adult Life Transitions Read the following vignette. Mr. and Mrs. DeGuzman have been married for 54 years. He was recently in a car accident where he hit a parked vehicle. His health was already compromised, and with this recent event, he is now admitted to a hospital and needs a breathing machine. His wife and […]

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