primary source

Examine historical events from two diametrically opposed positions and forming a conclusion/opinion as to which case presented the better argument.

Unit Two Historical Perspectives Assignment Every historical event has multiple perspectives to consider when forming conclusions about decisions made in the past. This is especially true when the subject matter is debated or controversial. In this assignment, examine historical events from two diametrically opposed positions and forming a conclusion/opinion as to which case presented the […]

Who is the author of the primary source(Wenamen’s Journey)? What do you know about the author that may shape his/her perspective and bias?

Primary Source Reading: Wenamen’s Journey Students will write a 500-750 word, double spaced, one-inch margin, Times New Roman, 12 point font paper that answers the following questions: Who is the author of the primary source? What do you know about the author that may shape his/her perspective and bias? Who is the intended audience of […]

Describe and study a primary source as fully as possible by getting to know everything you can find about the physical object, its text and imagery.

The task for the term paper is to describe and study a primary source as fully as possible by getting to know everything you can find about the physical object, its text and imagery, its history, and its interest.

Describe and cite a complex primary source.Briefly describe the primary source, identifying who made it, why they made it, and where you found it.

The Primary Source Analysis Paper is designed to help you meet three objectives: 1. Describe and cite a complex primary source (commercial, billboard, magazine cover, a scene from a movie or TV show, a movie poster, or a trailer, a speech, debate, social media post, slogan on a t-shirt, a person’s non-verbal action or inaction, […]

Write coherent Body Paragraphs by using topic sentences, transitions, and connective words. 

How to stop our phones from tracking us:Government,industry must take up fight to end surveillance capitalism by Navneet Alang of Toronto Star It is a research-driven critique essay with 1200-1500 words. Guidelines and Reminders: Provide an Introduction that briefly identifies and contextualizes the primary source and its issue, enough that someone unfamiliar with the source […]

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