
Analyze and exemplify how a single particular real-life situation would require a person to put into play two of the critical thinking attributes.

Critical Thinking Using the usual MLA format you learned in English 1A (double-spacing, 1″ margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, heading and header, etc.), write a 2-page, 4-paragraph essay on the topic in the blue essay prompt box below. Follow the essay organizational method located in the gray box as you structure your essay. Essay […]

Is there any difference in connotation between “domestic relations” law and “family” law as labels for this legal field?

ASSIGNMENT 1.In what ways, if any, has the definition of “family” changed over time? Is your assessment based on knowledge of empirical facts, or on personal assessments related to familiar societal anecdotes? What is your own view of the term family? How do you think this differs from other commonly held views of the concept? […]

Write down a formula of the regression fitted line. Based on the result, how would you interpret the result regarding “Propaganda score”?

OLS regression- authoritarian governments engage in propaganda Are you able to answer the following 6 questions based on the table: Based on the table, what is the dependent variable? Based on the table, what is the independent variable? Based on the table, what are the control variables? If possible, write down a formula of the […]

What is misinformation in our age of technology, or how is misinformation spread to perpetuate racism, sexism, homophobia?

Misinformation Explain how propaganda, the power of conspiracy theories, social media and the spread of misinformation, secret societies, the struggle to determine what is “truth” and what is misinformation in our age of technology, or how is misinformation spread to perpetuate racism, sexism, homophobia.

Watch the provided video in its entirety and then write your opinions about how it relates to the class topic(s) and how it is (or isn’t) relevant given the challenges we are facing in today’s historical moment.

Symbolism & Propaganda in Popular Culture Part A watch the provided video in its entirety and then write your opinions about how it relates to the class topic(s) and how it is (or isn’t) relevant given the challenges we are facing in today’s historical moment. Write your opinion in a friendly way, not a formal […]

Using the passage, do you agree or disagree, or can you relate to his or her opinion in the post?

Read the Passage. Do you agree or disagree, or can you relate to his or her opinion in the post? Can you add any thoughts or additional information that you may have found concerning their topic? There are many ways to identify whether a source is credible or not credible. Doing your research and investigation […]

How do the functional and critical and cultural approaches to mass communications affect advertising decisions?

Communication and Information Management Assignment Content NOTE: Provide short answers of 100 to 200 words for each of the following questions: What seven trends characterize modern mass media? Explain which trend has the greatest effect on society today. How do the functional and critical and cultural approaches to mass communications affect advertising decisions? How does […]

Choose a European country and reflect on how recent cultural developments in Europe reflect broader changes taking place during the Post-World War II era.

Choose a European country and reflect on how recent cultural developments in Europe reflect broader changes taking place during the Post-World War II era. Complete the following steps to develop your essay: 1. Choose one European country to focus on during the post-war era. Gather details and compare facts as you begin your research. 2. […]

Analyze the primary messaging in each text and its implications for media and other sources of information that people encounter.

Propaganda Write a 5 paragraph essay on propaganda. you will need to use all 3 of these sources below for evidence. refer to each of them in the 3 different body paragraphs. Informational Prompt: Analyze the primary messaging in each text and its implications for media and other sources of information that people encounter. Your […]

Write a research paper on developing tools to assist in identifying fake news and standardized training to counter the effects of propaganda.

Counter the effects of propaganda Research paper; While we cannot rely solely on algorithms to combat propaganda, we can better protect ourselves online by developing tools to assist in identifying fake news and standardized training to counter the effects of propaganda.

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