
Conduct a user test of your prototypes with at least 8 participants. Summarize the final conclusions you can draw from your testing.

ASSIGNMENT Conduct a user test of your prototypes with at least 8 participants. If possible, use participants that are within the target audience for your particular product being studied. Prepare a simple script to guide your testing sessions. There are two required components of the user testing providing you with both quantitative and qualitative data. […]

What social or community problem do you want to solve, or what new product or service do you want to create?

Design Thinking Project Outline Design Thinking is an iterative process, which means we repeat several steps in order to refine our innovation or solution through customer-centric efforts. For this project, follow the outline provided below. Use the same headings and numbering for your final project. Ideations and prototypes can take several forms. If you sketch […]

Reflect on your experience in this course. List all that you find the most interesting about the projects. Make a list of what did you find the most challenging about the projects.

ASSIGNMENT In this assignment, you’ll reflect on your experience in this course. This could be pertaining to the individual project and/or the team project, or the skills you have gained in this course. Instructions For each question in the list below, you should keep the question (for readability) and then write your answers below it […]

Conduct a content analysis of the features included in 5-7 health apps or games for a specific topic identifying strengths and weaknesses.

  In lieu of a final examination, students will complete a final project in the form of a Video Log (VLOG). You will create a 5-minute VLOG, with narration and any other techniques you would like to apply (e.g., animation, graphic images, and/or music introduction or ending). You are the principal narrator, but you can […]

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