qualitative methods

What about the research question makes your chosen method best suited to answer it? Why did you not choose quantitative methods (if you did not choose mixed methods)?

Final Proposal- For a Grad School Data 711 Course on Qualitative Methods  Make a main idea/argument statement for something related to tech/sociology, choose a sampling method (i.e Random sampling), the methodology you′d want to use (and why it′s the best methodology), and include sample sizes if it′s applicable. The final product for this class is a […]

Interview one parent or significant adult and transcribe the interview in the format you learned in the qualitative sociological methods class.

Transcript of an interview with one Parent Interview one parent or significant adult or mentor about their education and about their job history. Then transcribe the interview in the format you learned in the qualitative sociological methods class.

Briefly describe the approach a phenomenological researcher might take when researching this topic and state a suitable research question for a phenomenological inquiry into the topic.

Part 1: Qualitative methods Following a report from a cross-party group of UK MPs on the possibility of cannabis being legalised in the UK within the next five to ten years (source: BBC news website, 29 July 2019), the issue of young people’s identities around the use of recreational drugs is becoming more prominent in […]

Explain the organizational development and change assessment.

My topic: Organizational Development and Change Assessment There are many approaches to qualitative research and no fully agreed upon “list” of methodologies. Merriam (2016) describes a few methodologies, and Chapter 3 of Hennink, et al. (2011) describes some additional methodologies. Chwalisz, Shah, and Hand (2008) describe qualitative methodologies from the perspective of an even different […]

Critically review the literature on the impact of differentiation strategies on the market share, sales and EPS of Tesco and Sainsbury’s over a five-year period.

RESEARCH OBJECTIVES (SUB-QUESTIONS): •To critically review the literature on the impact of differentiation strategies on the market share, sales and EPS of Tesco and Sainsbury’s over a five-year period. •Using the Annual Reports,ritically review the literature on the impact of differentiation strategies on the market share, sales and EPS of Tesco and Sainsbury’s over a […]

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