
Discuss how NULLs are treated in comparison operators in SQL. How are NULLs treated when aggregate functions are applied in an SQL query?

Complex Queries,Triggers, Views, and Schema Modification 7.1. Describe the six clauses in the syntax of an SQL retrieval query. Show what type of constructs can be specified in each of the six clauses. Which of the six clauses are required and which are optional? 7.2. Describe conceptually how an SQL retrieval query will be executed […]

Using Access, create a NEW database, including creating tables, queries, forms, reports, and advanced formatting tools.

Access Database Using Access, you will create a NEW database, including creating tables, queries, forms, reports, and advanced formatting tools. Some sample Access ideas include (1) inventory of technology at work, (2) inventory of your home/possessions for insurance purposes, (3) a list of all contact information you have on others. REQUIREMENTS Our project MUST include […]

Select a system and data sets that represent data in healthcare, university, or other related fields, describe a problem of the selected system, and perform database design.

Database Design Language List DBDL for each of your tables using the format described in the “Database Design Language (DBDL)” section (p. 181) in Chapter 6 of Concepts of Database Management. For an example, review Figure 6-1. Construct a database by using Microsoft Access 2013 or newer. Select a system and data sets that represent […]

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