
Should there be Good Samaritan laws, making it a legal duty for a stranger to intervene to save a person from death or great bodily harm, when one might do so with little or no risk to oneself?

Research Paper Write a researched argument essay of at least 1,800 words on any topic about which you are passionate. This essay should be thoroughly documented in MLA style and include an annotated bibliography. You must use at least five reliable resources and the essay must be written in the third person. Essay Topic: “Should […]

Interview someone who has been an international immigrant at some point in their lives. Then give a brief oral report to the class about your experience, removing any identifying information about the individual interviewed, and focusing on the single most interesting thing learned in the experience.

Social Science Question Interview someone who has been an international immigrant at some point in their lives. The purpose of the interview should be to learn more about the immigrant’s feelings and lived experience. As a first suggestion, consider interviewing someone you know: Think first about your parents, grandparents or other relatives who have had […]

Describe your home to a stranger, the place to view as home is in Africa(Uganda). Use examples and research from the internet to understand what life is like in Africa.

Concept of home Write more about what concept of home and what it means to them in regards to the paper that was already written. Give more examples that make the essay seem more personalized and also add more detail. Prompt: Describe your home to a stranger, the place to view as home is in […]

Consider how a stranger would perceive and experience your memorial for the first time and describe their visual experience of your memorial idea with as much detail as possible.

Memorial In roughly 1,000 words and in MLA format, conceptualize an idea for a memorial installation/ memorial structure. Your memorial should be public-facing. Meaning, your memorial concept should commemorate a person, people, or event in history in which all viewers can observe and understand its public meaning. Consider how a stranger would perceive and experience […]

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