
Use the my_guitar_shop database. Write a script that creates and calls a stored procedure named test.

Exercise in MySQL. Use the my_guitar_shop database to do the following: Start with the program on slide 11 in the Chapter 13 Power Point. Make sure you can run the program as is. Clean up any squiggly red lines. There are bad characters. You will need to call the procedure test as in slide 4. […]

Explain 3a in plain language, like you’d explain it to Grandma. How would you explain the effect of committing to actually call a loved one on self-esteem?

SPSS Assignment #3 What you will need: sav sav Answer-Sheet document, saved as Last_First_SPSS3 Top-left corner: your name, uta email address, [due date], SPSS #3 The PSYC 2300 manual helps a lot… … Otherwise, be prepared to Google “how to ____ in SPSS” several times. For this entire assignment, regardless of the research hypothesis, report […]

Find an example of an article that that relates two variables. Is the article stating that the two variables are correlated or that they have a causal relationship?

Causation: Study time and good grades The amount of time a student studies does CAUSE grades to be GOOD. Note: Causation statements are not the same as a statement in logic. For example: If you jump in a swimming pool, you will get wet. If you don’t jump in the swimming pool, you will not […]

Explore the data and note the responses and the variables included in the survey. Prepare and clean the data, if necessary, and summarize any relevant findings in an effective visualization. 

Supply Chain Case Study Part VII: Telling the Story Step 1: Download the Case Study Part VII Survey dataset. Step 2: Explore the Survey Data USB decided to survey their customers, and the survey results are included in the dataset provided. Explore the data and note the responses and the variables included in the survey. […]

Prepare the dataset Retail_ TMA.xlsx in a form suitable for analysis by fixing the data issues and errors with explanation and justification of necessary data transformations.

ASSIGNMENT Question 1 You are to analyse a dataset Retail_ TMA.xlsx to answer the following questions. In the real world of data analysis, when you are not querying the database directly and data is provided to you, it is essential to evaluate the data and ask pertinent questions about the data quality. It enables us […]

Write a simple bit manipulation code that allows users to indicate decimal number and bit system (i.g 4/8/16/32/64) in which binary number will be outputted.

Computer Science Question Bit Level Manipulation Write a simple bit manipulation code that allows users to indicate decimal number and bit system (i.g 4/8/16/32/64) in which binary number will be outputted. Apart from that you have to calculate the corresponding one’s and two’s complement of the decimal number. However, the only named variables you may […]

Define what a control condition is, explain its purpose in research on treatment effectiveness, and describe some alternative types of control conditions

Experiment Basics Explain what an experiment is and recognize examples of studies that are experiments and studies that are not experiments. Distinguish between the manipulation of the independent variable and control of extraneous variables and explain the importance of each. Recognize examples of confounding variables and explain how they affect the internal validity of a […]

Define the concept of a variable, distinguish quantitative from categorical variables, and give examples of variables that might be of interest to psychologists.

ASSIGNMENT Define the concept of a variable, distinguish quantitative from categorical variables, and give examples of variables that might be of interest to psychologists. Explain the difference between a population and a sample. Distinguish between experimental and non-experimental research. Distinguish between lab studies, field studies, and field experiments.

Choose a scientific paper written in the last year. Look into the study and discuss how the scientific method was used in this paper.

Essay Assignment Choose a scientific paper written in the last year. For your chosen paper, look into the study and discuss how the scientific method was used in this paper. Be sure to note they hypothesis, variables, results, etc. Discuss if you find this paper as a trustworthy source and why.

Select a peer-reviewed journal article and describe its relevance to you personally or professionally in about 50 to 75 words.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article Answer each individual question in order 1-5 seperately 1. Select a peer-reviewed journal article and describe its relevance to you personally or professionally in about 50 to 75 words. 2. Describe the purpose of the peer-reviewed journal article in about 25 to 50 words. 3. Identify the major methodological design of the […]

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