Day: February 16, 2021

Do you agree with the assessment of the AFL-CIO regarding right-to-work laws? Why or why not?

According to Wikipedia (Right-to-work Law): A “right-to-work” law is a statute in the United States that prohibits union security agreements, or agreements between labor unions and employers, that govern the extent to which an established union can require employees’ membership, payment of union dues, or fees as a condition of employment, either before or after […]

Do you believe that when not in the workplace, employees have any responsibilities to their employer?

According to Mark Mendl and Jordan Kirkness (When Worlds Collide: Addressing Off-Duty Employee Misconduct): Many believe that what employees do on their own time should not be regulated by employers, but the boundary between the workplace and an employee’s private life is not absolute. As recent high profile cases have demonstrated, some off-duty misconduct, such […]

Describe at least three potential subjects of negotiations in which a project manager would participate for a project.

Describe at least three potential subjects of negotiations in which a project manager would participate for a project. Reference Textbook Successful Project Management Jack Gido, James P. Clements, and Rose Baker, 2018 Cengage ISBN.13: 978-1-337-09547-1 References/Citations: • Students must use APA style citations in their writing assignments. For detailed information on how to properly cite […]

Describe different types of Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

Multiple sclerosis, or MS, is a chronic disease that can affect the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves in the eyes. It is the most prevalent chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS), affecting more than 2 million people worldwide, and it is currently incurable (Longo et al., 2018). MS is the second […]

How effectively did group members use verbal messages to make their points and organize their ideas? Provide examples.

Virtually “Attend” a public meeting, such as local school board, city council, or campus council. Here are you options for this assignment: 1. Pinellas County School Board Meeting – Feb 25, 2020 – 2. Board of County Commissioners (Pinellas County) – March 10, 2020 – 3. St. Petersburg College Board of Trustees Meeting […]

What resources would be helpful for the family caregivers now and as the disorder progresses?

Read the attached Brief Case Report of Mary . (attached) Mary’s diagnosis is Parkinson’s Disease and Neurocognitive Disorder with Lewy Bodies. Your discussion post should include a brief (and evidence-based – i.e., not from the Alzheimer’s Website) 1.description of the unique brain changes associated with the assigned disorder. 2.The family has heard awful stories about […]

Evaluate the role of financial reporting standards and the duties of their authors.

Essay Question – “IFRS standards are too complicated” Critically discuss Length 2,000 words Please ensure you address both sides of the statement and use academic literature to reinforce points made. It is expected that students will critically evaluate and consider at least six academic journals or publications. References should be in Harvard format. Guidance This […]

How do you plan to come in and practice your EQ by leaving your mark with the “Zorro Effect?”

In this unit, we read Chapter 3 from Fit textbook and a case study Becoming an entrepreneurial leader. I will Upload both documents. One of the Group prepare a scenario. Now as an opposite group we have to respond to some questions. You have to connect the question with FIT textbook and if needed from […]

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