Day: February 27, 2022

Write a profile that offers insight into a place with a unique identity—or that perhaps contributes to the unique identity of its community/city.

Assignment: You’ve read many profiles—they appear in magazines, on websites, and as non-fiction bestsellers. Interviews, biographies, and documentaries are also specific kinds of profiles. Think of them as windows into a subject; the essay offers knowledge that the writer has gained and is sharing with the reader. You will want to focus on certain aspects […]

Write a research paper explaining on what percentage of the local public agencies in Florida have ADA transition plans?

1. Research Question 1: What percentage of the local public agencies in Florida have ADA transition plans? Null hypothesis: the percentage of local public agencies in Florida with ADA transition plans have no direct impact on post-secondary school transition into employment. Alternate hypothesis: a high percentage of local public agencies with ADA transition plans directly […]

Explain your position by tracing Winston’s actions throughout the novel and considering the result of those actions.

1984 Literary Essay: Winston Smith, Hero or Not? PROMPT: George Orwell once offered the definition of heroism ordinary people doing whatever they can to change social systems that do not respect human decency, even when the knowledge that they can’t possibly succeed. In Winston Smith, the protagonist of 1984, Orwell create an ordinary person, an […]

Write a 2-3 page paper about the importance of rehabilitation and programming in a correctional setting.

In September 1971, one of the worse disturbances in correctional history occurred at Attica, New York. Forty-three deaths occurred during the disturbance and its aftermath. Conditions at the facility emphasized security over rehabilitation or programming. Assignment #3 will focus on how rehabilitation and programming can assist with keeping correctional institutions safe and secure. Students will […]

Discuss the extent of Bullwhip effect generation in the Tesla supply chain from each of the generic causes of the Bullwhip effect.

Operation and supply chain management Q1) What were the supply chain constraints to Model 3 becoming a successful car as per the case study? [5 marks] [Max 300 words] Q2) Discuss the extent of Bullwhip effect generation in the Tesla supply chain from each of the generic causes of the Bullwhip effect [5 marks] [Max […]

Discuss the differences between establishing and abolishing operations, and explain why you might manipulate these Motivating Operations as part of planned behavior change.

For this assignment, you will provide a long answer essay response to each of the questions below. For each question, you are encouraged to use the peer-reviewed resources provided throughout the units to support your responses. Do not copy and paste the whole question into the document. Rather, provide the question number (1-4) and a […]

Locate 5 nursing research articles and write a 1-2 paragraph summary for each article including whether the research was quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods.

Literature Search Assignment Susan M. Montenery Department of Health Sciences, Coastal Carolina University NUR 424: Nursing Research Dr. Montenery Students will explore the literature on a specific topic using current nursing research articles. This is defined by articles less than 5 years old, from nursing literature, commonly nursing journals, with nurses as authors in a […]

Describe potential system attacks and the actors that might perform them and define the difference between a Threat and a Vulnerability.

Cyber Threats and Attack Vector Your C-Suite Presentation with the upper-level management in the last topic provided a glimpse into threat actors and their abilities. (The copy of the C-Suite Presentation is attached). The CEO has decided that an in-depth training on this topic is needed from a top-down perspective to educate employees company-wide. ASSIGNMENT: […]

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