Based on the literature sources introduced and the learnings through this module, discuss the main barriers to effective communication in projects and how it can affect the project success.

Find the instructions below with the information on the case study of Metronet’s failure. I have attached all the relevant sources and named them according to the numbers in the list below. For example, files related to number 1 will start with 1_XXXXXX, number 2 will be 2_XXXXXX and so on.

Section 1 (80%) – 4000 words

Based on the case history of “The failure of Metronet” (Attached), answer the following questions:

1. Based on the theory of project governance framework and the elements of good governance, introduced in the lectures, discuss the elements of effective project governance and how has this been addressed in this case? Discuss how the governance could have been different based on the effective governance elements introduced in the module (20%)

2. Based on stakeholder engagement framework provided in the lectures, Identify the stakeholders of this project and the stakeholder engagement strategies applied in this project. Discuss how an effective stakeholder engagement strategy could have been applied. (20%)

3. Based on project leadership frameworks and theories provided in the lectures, discuss the attributes of effective leadership and discuss how the leadership of this project was problematic and how the leadership could have been different. (20%)

4. What are the elements of effective change management in projects? Discuss the need for change and an effective change management process for this project. (20%)

Section 2 (20%) – 1000 words

5. Based on the literature sources introduced and the learnings through this module, discuss the main barriers to effective communication in projects and how it can affect the project success. (20%)

Based on the literature sources introduced and the learnings through this module, discuss the main barriers to effective communication in projects and how it can affect the project success.
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