
How does DesJardins see the interaction between ethics and culture? Do you agree with his characterization? Give philosophically adequate arguments.

From Chapter 4, How does DesJardins see the interaction between ethics and culture? Do you agree with his characterization? Give philosophically adequate arguments. Give an accurate analysis of the arguments presented and to give well-constructed arguments. Lastly, give an accurate account of the theories and terms presented in the reading.

What role does the normative play in different theorists’ attempts to formulate a notion of the public?What is the public interest and how can we know it?

1. What role does the normative play in different theorists’ attempts to formulate a notion of the public? 2. Are liberal individualist theories of the public the antithesis of other theories of the public, or can they be seen as complementary? 3.Habermas’s theory of the public sphere has more to offer than any of those […]

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