
Prepare an essay paper discussing the history of Newark.

History Of Newark Prepare an essay paper discussing the history of Newark. Use the sources guidelines below PRIMARY SOURCES GUIDELINE https://primarysources.yale.edu SECONDARY SOURCES GUIDELINE https://library.csp.edu/history/sources ADDITIONAL SOURCES (OTHERS ARE UPLOADED) https://newestamericans.com/over-my-dead-body/. (WEEK 6) https://knowingnewark.npl.org/city-was-at-the-center-of-movie-industry-grand-entertainment/ (WEEK 5) https://newarkarts.org/publicartmap/?mural=5dd8393459db7a6dec19f2e2 (WEEK 4)

Pick a street artist that you resonate with or find an interest in. Explore their art, career, history and what it could mean for you and your ideas of what art is or can be.

Street Artist Pick a street artist that you resonate with or find an interest in. Explore their art, career, history and what it could mean for you and your ideas of what art is or can be. 500 word essay.    

Explain. Throughout history, different drugs were introduced in the United States for purposes other than getting high, do you believe in the reasons behind this? Give examples in your answer.

Drugs in United States  Throughout history, different drugs were introduced in the United States for purposes other than getting high, do you believe in the reasons behind this? Give examples in your answer. Does the United States still practice this method; if so, what problems have arisen today because of this practice?

Write a term paper on the overview of World War 1 and 2, then summarize why they are a significant turning point in history.

Overview of World War 1 and 2 Write a term paper on the overview of World War 1 and 2, then summarize why they are a significant turning point in history. Needs at least 5 primary or secondary sources and a bibliography. at least 1 primary source.

Write a 1000-1500-word contribution to a 4000-6000-word analytical research report on a scientific or technological problem that demonstrates.

The History and context of High school shootings A 1000-1500-word contribution to a 4000-6000-word analytical research report on a scientific or technological problem that demonstrates. 1. Knowledge of the history and context of the problem.

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