special education

After reviewing the reading and the attached videos, reflect on the key components of interacting with students with Emotional Disabilities?

Teaching in a Special Education Classroom READ AND ANSWER pages 59-60 “Teaching in a Special Education Classroom” Pierangelo, Giuliani answer the following questions After reviewing the reading and the attached videos, reflect on the key components of interacting with students with Emotional Disabilities?

What is the very first step in setting up your room? What information is useful to know about your students before the first day of class?

Answers to questions Answer the following questions in the attached file, designed for a special education teacher: 1) What is the very first step in setting up your room? 2) What information is useful to know about your students before the first day of class? 3) Where would you find this information? 4) Do you […]

Discuss what educators need to be aware of when evaluating student placement. Include a discussion of how our Christian faith informs this topic and how it may be applied to student placement.

Discussion Thread: Legal Issues in Special Education For this discussion, pay particular attention to the section entitled Placing Students with Disabilities in the Least Restrictive Environment and discuss what educators need to be aware of when evaluating student placement. Include a discussion of how our Christian faith informs this topic and how it may be […]

How do the federal and state laws have to change to help reduce the lawsuits? Do you think that Facilitated IEP meetings will help reduce lawsuits?

Special Education Rights & Laws Review: The Right to Special Education in New Jersey http://www.edlawcenter.org/assets/files/pdfs/publications/Rights_SpecialEducation_Guide%20TL.pdf Review: Parents Rights in Special Education – New Jersey https://www.state.nj.us/education/specialed/form/prise/prise.pdf Read: Landmark Cases in Special Education http://www.fortelawgroup.com/history-special-education-important-landmark-cases/ Read: Facilitated IEP meetings https://www.nj.gov/education/specialed/iep/facilitated/Brochure.pdf Read: The Litigious Mess of Special Education https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2012/05/the-litigious-mess-of-special-education/256541/ Discussion Questions: Special Education is governed by both federal and state […]

Develop a handbook of strategies and best practices for developing and maintaining collaborative relationships between the following stakeholders involved in special education.

Research strategies for promoting collaboration between stakeholders involved in special education. Develop a handbook of strategies and best practices for developing and maintaining collaborative relationships between the following stakeholders involved in special education: Teacher (and school staff) Family Community Include the following topics in relation to effective collaboration in your handbook: Benefits to each stakeholder […]

Reply to the student’s post should be at least at minimum of 7 sentences, about one paragraph in length.

Reply to Discussion Board Post Reply to the student’s post should be at least at minimum of 7 sentences, about one paragraph in length. At least one in-text citation must be included in the reply from any source relevant to the topic posted. Student’s Post: “After reading and watching the videos, I realized just how […]

In your opinion, or from your personal perspective, what are the big issues in special ed and/or what needs to be taken into consideration or changed?

Special Education – Discussion Board Read the information found on the following links and answer the discussion questions below. Watch: Timeline of Special Education https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj2dBLi7zvQ Read: Trends in Special Education https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/special-education-definition-statistics-and-trends/2019/12 Read: Special Education is not a Place https://wapave.org/special-education-is-a-service-not-a-place/ Read: What’s so special about “special” education? https://greatschoolvoices.org/2016/06/whats-so-special-about-special-education/ Discussion Questions: Based off of the information that you have read this week […]

Write 2 pages essay paper discussing how the collaboration among all IEP team members (including the target learner and families) in developing an IEP that benefits the target learner.

Collaboration and Professional Learning Self-Reflection Background in special education childhood grades 1-6 required specifically in writing IEP reports. in 2 pages answer the following questions: Regarding your group collaboration process throughout the semester, reflect on all of the following: 1) how the collaboration among all IEP team members (including the target learner and families) in […]

Consider the information from the “Ana Case Study” and write two measurable academic goals and two measurable behavioral goals for Ana.

Benchmark – Case Study: PLAAFP and Annual Goals Special educators must be proficient at more than simply teaching, planning, and addressing student concerns. A large portion of the special educator’s career will be spent creating, implementing, and reviewing IEPs in meetings with parents/guardians and other professionals. Most educators find that the present level of academic […]

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