Explain why it is important to systematically review the research question or test the hypothesis

The word limit does not include the following:

tables and figures and their titles;

list of abbreviations (if used);

glossary (if used);

references list;

acknowledgements and appendices.

The word limit does include:

written text in the report including in-text citations;

headings and subheadings.


• Explain what is known about the subject area and what is unknown using critical evaluation of background research literature to form an evidence-based justification (rationale) for the research project. Explain why it is important to systematically review the research question or test the hypothesis

• Objectives – an explicit statement of the research question to be answered or the hypothesis to be tested with reference to populations/patients, interventions, comparisons and outcomes

The hypothesis or research question must be as specific as possible. It is not sufficient to “further investigate” or “select effective drugs/treatments” etc


Provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced, written in the past tense.

• Protocol for the review with reference to PRISMA-P checklist and PICOS – can include checklist as an appendix.

• Study selection criteria – inclusion/exclusion factors

• Data sources and search terms

• Describe methods used for quality assessment

• Any statistical analyses used (if applicable)


This section should include a critical evaluation of background research literature to form an evidence-based justification (rationale) for your research. You must include a clear hypothesis or research question.

60% of the word count is for the introduction

This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Methods

Methodology should be clearly described. You will also be assessed on your ability to use initiative and problem-solving during the project.

40% of the word count is for methodology

i have attached the proposal and assessment guidelines, example of a systematic review

Explain why it is important to systematically review the research question or test the hypothesis
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