Review the relevant course readings, especially from your Shi textbook, primary sources, and other included materials.

Review the relevant course readings, especially from your Shi textbook, primary sources, and other included materials.
Do NOT use outside materials for this exam. Exams that include work from outside websites will be penalized. I wish to read YOUR conclusions based on the readings, not those of others. Draw only on your Shi textbook, primary sources, and other course materials.
Use Chicago Author-Date Style to cite your sources. Be sure to include in-text citations when you quote from or reference an idea in the text. Note when citing the provided primary source documents you can simply cite them as Document 1, Document 2, etc.
Exams should be at least four full pages in length, double-spaced, with 12 point Times New Roman font.

Review the relevant course readings, especially from your Shi textbook, primary sources, and other included materials.
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