Complete an environmental analysis for the company using the PESTEL model. Explain how each component in the model affects the company.

– Analyze the company’s business environment using the PESTEL model.
– Identify opportunities and threats based on environmental conditions.
– Identify one foreign city that presents an opportunity for the company to expand.
– Analyze the foreign city’s business environment using the PESTEL model and explain why this
environment provides an opportunity?
– Submit a comprehensive professional final report.
1. Complete an environmental analysis for the company using the PESTEL model. Explain how each component in the model affects the company.
2. Conduct a SWOT analysis on how the company fits with its business environment
3. From the SWOT analysis, identify and explain two opportunities and two threats from the business environment.
4. Give your team’s recommendation on how to respond to the opportunities and threats (no response may be valid if you can justify it).
5. Identify a city in a foreign country that provides an opportunity for the company to expand internationally.
6. Conduct a PESTEL analysis for this city.
7. Identify and explain one opportunity and one threat from the foreign business environment.
8. Give your team’s recommendation on how to respond to the opportunity and threat.
9. Make a go/no go decision if the firm should pursue this international opportunity and why
10. Conduct any additional research to fill gaps and missing information from your prior analyses or as
instructed via formal and informal feedback

Complete an environmental analysis for the company using the PESTEL model. Explain how each component in the model affects the company.
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